A Guide to Optimal Kidney Health through Diet

The importance of kidney health cannot be overstated, and adopting a kidney-friendly diet plays a pivotal role in maintaining these vital organs. Here, we present a comprehensive guide to help you make informed dietary choices to promote kidney health. 1. Stay Hydrated: The Elixir of Kidney Well-being Proper hydration is the cornerstone of kidney health.…

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Why Artificial sweeteners is harmful for kidney health ?

The quest for sugar alternatives has led to the widespread use of artificial sweeteners, but concerns about their impact on health, particularly kidney health, have sparked debates among researchers and health-conscious individuals. This blog aims to explore the intricate connection between artificial sweeteners and kidney health, shedding light on the current state of scientific understanding.…

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A Comprehensive Guide to Hyperpigmentation

Hyperpigmentation causes patches of skin to become darker than the surrounding skin. It occurs when the skin produces excess melanin, the pigment that gives skin its colour. It can affect any skin type and is more likely during pregnancy, with older age, or after an injury. Types of hyperpigmentation include: Age spots, also called “liver”…

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Fruits & Diabetes Mellitus – Myths Busted

Myth: People with diabetes should avoid all fruits. Busted: While it’s true that fruits contain natural sugars, they also provide essential vitamins, minerals, fiber, and antioxidants. Moderation is key, and many fruits can be part of a healthy diabetes-friendly diet. Myth: Eating too much fruit will cause blood sugar spikes. Busted: Whole fruits, especially those…

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